Ping Pong Irwin
Poets on the Steps of The Albert Memorial

International Poetry Congress at Royal Albert Hall, June 1965 - Top Left: Barbara Rubiin, Back row Left-Right: Adrian Mitchell, Anselm Hollo, Marcus Field, Michael Horovitz, Ernst Jandl, Front row: Harry Fainlight, Alex Troicchi, Allen Ginsberg, John Esam, Dan Richter. Published with kind permission of the John Hopkins Estate.

Randy Brecker, 2013

Poets on the Steps of The Albert Memorial

Image Details

Catalogue reference number
Copyright Acknowledgements The National Jazz Archive is grateful to the trustees of the John Hopkins Archive and the ElliottHalls Gallery, Amsterdam for permission to display his work here.
Creator John Hopkins
Date Made 1965
Item Format
Subject Rubiin, Barbara; Mitchell, Adrian; Hollo, Anselm; Field, Marcus; Horovitz, Michael; Jandl, Ernst; Fainlight, Harry; Troicchi, Alex; Ginsberg, Allen; Esam, John; Richter, Dan
Title or Caption
Copyright Cleared Cleared for website display only