De Fuego: Where Gypsy Meets Jazz

De Fuego promo image


Loughton Baptist Church (map)
Saturday 14th September 2024
Door time: 1:00pm; start time: 1:30pm
£ £22.50 + booking fee


De Fuego are the incredible guitar duo of Tony Calvo and Edina Balczo who will tell (just a small part!) of the story of the guitar in jazz.

Heavily influenced by Spanish traditional gypsy and folk; witness the power, percussion, physicality and passion this amazing twosome bring with their instruments.

Bring the whole family and be inspired and enthralled as Tony & Edina – two incredible proponents of the guitar – deftly demonstrate just what this instrument was designed for!

Click here to book online!

Tickets cost £22.50 and can be ordered on the WeGotTickets website any time day or night with the addition of a small booking fee. This allows us to give you the best possible service.

Alternatively, if you are unable to purchase online, you may visit the Archive between 10.00am–1.00pm to pay in-person with a debit or credit card. Cash and cheques are no longer accepted.

We look forward to welcoming you. The concert will take place in Loughton Baptist Church, and parking can be found a short distance away in the car park for Sainsbury's.

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